January 2025 Newsletter
The January Newsletter is available! Download the Newsletter
The January Newsletter is available! Download the Newsletter
The September Newsletter is available! We look forward to seeing you at Western Regional Conference in Sunriver next week and future events in and around Portland. We appreciate and value your involvement with Oregon RIMS. Download the Newsletter
The June Newsletter is available! Thank you to everyone in the Oregon RIMS Community for a fantastic year as President. I am honored to have worked with an amazing group on the board and look forward to staying engaged with Oregon RIMS. Bryan Aalberg, President, Oregon RIMS Download the Newsletter
Your Oregon RIMS Chapter is happy to announce the return of the biannual newsletter. Yes, my wife Diana had to teach me how to use Canva; no my results won’t look as good as hers or Lauren Maurer’s. We look forward to highlighting emerging Risk Management issues and sharing information about upcoming events. Your Oregon RIMS Board is excited for the future of the chapter and connecting with our members! Bryan Aalberg, President, Oregon RIMS Download the Newsletter
WCD Rulemaking Committee - Written Response - Oregon RIMS - 12-15-2023 Download the Document
Oregon RIMS is a proud supporter of Kids Chance of Oregon! Through our 2022 Oregon RIMS Golf Tournament, we were able to raise $11,550 for this amazing organization that provides financial support to further the education of the children of Oregon workers who have been severely injured, or disabled or killed as a result of work related injuries or occupational diseases. https://www.kidschanceoforegon.com/
Oregon RIMS enjoyed participating in the Fall 2022 Career Fair at Portland State University. We met some promising future Rising Risk Professionals at this well attended event!
Greetings Oregon RIMS Members and friends of the Chapter! Many of us have realized the benefits of working from home over the last few years, such as additional time from cutting the commute, a more relaxed dress code and environment, and being close to our furry friends and family throughout the day. However, there are also areas which require much more effort as we work from home, such as networking, professional development, and connection. As a Chapter, we have seen a steady decline in volunteers and involvement compared to our in-person days. We are looking for leaders in the community and asking for you to support the Chapter by getting involved. We hope that by supporting and engaging with the risk and insurance community your experience will be richer and you will be able to direct and contribute toward the Chapter’s future. There are several ways to get involved: Volunteer on a committee, such as the E-Day Planning Committee, Golf Planning Committee, or Rising Risk Professionals Committee. Become a Board Member. Current open positions include Secretary and Special Events. Volunteer at an event, such as a Career Fair, E-Day or Golf We also invite you to network and celebrate the [...]
What a time to be alive. Could anyone imagine the challenges and opportunities that would come our way in 2020 and now in 2021? With this ever-changing landscape, we are taking a step back this year to focus on the chapter’s core strength: it’s people. The following chapter goals for 2021 center around this core strength: Create opportunities for meaningful connection for members and the broader risk management community. Equip risk and insurance professionals to succeed in an evolving environment. Promote diversity, equity and inclusion by building relevant engagement and education into the regular operation of the chapter. Ensure a resilient and adaptable organizational structure. In the coming months, there are several opportunities for engagement and personal development for our members and friends of the chapter. We hope you will join us virtually at RIMS Live 2021 from April 19th – 30th where, between the education, marketplace and networking, Oregon RIMS will receive an ECHO Award in recognition of its exceptional strategic planning and achievement of goals. See Page 4 of the newsletter for the list of additional upcoming events, and be sure to save the date for the Annual Education Day on June 17th. Keep an eye out for [...]